Monday, December 1, 2008

Andreas Viklund. "Mortal Vikings and the Valkyrie." March 24, 2008. Oil Painting. Mortal Vikings and the Valkyrie. December 1, 2008.

  1. Vikings-Norse warriors, explorers, and merchants that raided and colonized European lands from the late eighth century to the early 11th century.
  2. Ginnungagap-The vast, dark, void that was in existence before the creation of the manifest universe.
  3. Nifleheim-The Land of Fog at the bottom of the tree of life.
  4. Muspellheim-The Land of Fire, guarded by a giant named Surt.
  5. Yggdrasil-The Great Tree in the center of the Norse universe that holds together the nine worlds of Norse society.
  6. Asgard-realm of the gods.
  7. Midgard-Midgard is the land of men.
  8. Hel-Hel was the home of the dead.
  9. Bifrost Bridge-A divine bridge, it was the link between the humans and the gods. It was a rainbow.
  10. Ymir-One of the Frost Giants, who was fierce, wild, and evil.
  11. Odin-Considered the chief God of Norse Mythology.
  12. Frigg-The wife of Odin, and spinner of the clouds. She was the most powerful of all the goddesses, she was the goddess of love, destiny, and marriage.
  13. The Valkyries-Hero selectors and choosers of slain.
  14. The Norns-Fate Maidens: Urd-past, Verdandi-present, and Skuld-future.
  15. Thor-Thor was a son of Odin and the strongest son at that. He was the god of thunder, battle, and fertility. He was known for being fierce and he had a great temper.
  16. Balder-Son of Odin and Frigg. God of Radiance, rebirth, justice and light. He was killed by Loki.
  17. Njord-God of the wind and the sea, he was a Patron of Sailors.
  18. Frey-God of fertility, prosperity, sun, and rain.
  19. Freya-Goddess of love, fertility, beauty, magic, war, and death
  20. Idunn-Goddess of Youth, Keeper of the golden apples, and Odin's daughter in law
  21. Loki-Son of Giants. he was a half blood god, a trickster, and he was quite evil minded.
  22. Fenrir-"the wold destroyer"
  23. Jormungandr-"World Serpent"
  24. Ragnarok-Doomsday, the Final Battle.
  25. Runes-Symbols that are thrown and the way they land determine your fate.