Friday, October 24, 2008

Mythology Definitions

Myth: A myth is a tale of gods and goddess’, myths generally give an explanation to the world around us. Some believe mythical stories give religious support or support for certain beliefs. A great example of how are world came to be is the story of Demeter and Persephone.

Hero:A hero is the character in the story with unique characteristics that set him or her apart from others. The hero goes out into the world on a hero journey in hope of bettering society as a whole. One example of a hero that everyone should know is the hero Hercules.

Hero Journey:A hero journey is the series of events the hero goes through during the story. The hero has a call to adventure, an initiation, and many struggles; this is all involved in a cyclical pattern. On his journey, Hercules, had 12 different labors, and this was a perfect example of his hero journey.

Universal:The main idea in any story is the universal relation, meaning the story relates to everything, it’s the big picture, the foundation of being. The story of Demeter and Persephone is a great example of a universal story because the outcome of the story affects everyone.

Archetype:The archetype is the original kind, the structure, or the original model. Many different stories have their own versions of being, their original model, there are 3 different models of creation; watery abyss, the egg, and an empty void. There are also 3 original types of heroes; cultural, trickster, and human.

Cyclical:A cyclical journey is such that the hero starts at the beginning and through all trial and error makes it back to where he or she started, changed and redefined. You can look back to any hero story to find an example of this circular pattern but I always lean towards Hercules when looking for good examples.

Duality:Duality in any story is the quality of opposites existing in a whole. Good and evil, love and hate, or simply hot and cold; these are all great examples of duality in mythology.

Creation:Creation is the beginning of our world, whether it began with the egg, the void, or the watery abyss. Like stated earlier, in the Egyptian creation the world started as a watery abyss.

Life Out of Death:The phrase life from death simply means when there is death, there is also life. Sacrifice of one’s self in a hero’s case.

Matriarchal:A matriarchal society is a society that believes in a foundation of female power. This is the Mother Earth philosophy.

Patriarchal:A patriarchal society is a society that believes in a foundation of male power. This is the philosophy of Father Sky.

Sacrifice:When a hero lays down ones life for the betterment of the community this is called sacrifice. A hero could also sacrifice something in there life for this as well.

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